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ISO 14001:2015 for Internal Auditors.

Learn how to carry out internal audits

Who should attend?

  • You wish to build on your existing environmental management system internal auditing experience
  • You are an internal environmental management system auditor wanting to learn about ISO 14001:2015 and how the revisions to this standard affect you
  • You are an internal auditor working in an organisation that is certified to ISO14001 and is transitioning to the 2015 revision of the standard.

What will you learn?

  • How to adapt your auditing technique to accommodate the new and amended requirements in ISO 14001:2015
  • How to audit the new requirements concerning organisational context and the application of a threats and opportunities approach to environmental management
  • How to audit top management commitment and leadership
  • How to audit processes and their interaction with other processes
  • The importance of environmental management for the organisation and its customers.

▪ To gather objective evidence through observation, interviewing and sampling of

▪ To report findings accurately

▪ What corrective action is and who is responsible for taking action

▪ How to follow up and verify the effectiveness of corrective action taken

What do you need to prepare?

  • Knowledge of ISO 14001:2015 prior to attending this courses, which can be acquired by attending the Introduction to ISO 14001 course
  • Knowledge of the commonly used environmental management terms and definitions used in ISO 14001:2015
  • Experience in conducting environmental management system audits.

Course length

Two days.

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