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Verification Services

Verify any information that you track or publish. We verify data, information, and reports to drive credibility and confidence with the people who matter most to you.

Verification Services

LRQA can verify any information that your organisation tracks, targets, measures, or publishes. Depending on the criteria, we can deliver our verification services in line with international standards such as ISO 14064 and AA1000.

We also support your existing verification programmes or work with you to build new ones that support your unique requirements – this could include company-specific criteria and standards or ways to cascade verification best practices throughout your supply chain.

LRQA verification is typically delivered in two stages:

Stage 1 – Initial data review, verification plan and sampling plan
Stage 2 – Data verification, creation of a list of findings, Final Report and LRQA Assurance Statement.

Your LRQA Assurance Statement

Your LRQA Assurance Statement

As part of the final step of the verification process, you’ll receive an LRQA Assurance Statement that is recognised by global schemes such as CDP – it will confirm the following information:

  • Terms of engagement
  • Approach
  • Level of assurance and materiality
  • Opinion

Depending on your requirements, we can deliver your LRQA Assurance Statement to a limited or reasonable level of assurance.

Limited Assurance: Requires less detail than reasonable assurance with smaller sample sizes and fewer, if any, site visits. If no errors are found, the verifier will confirm that nothing has come to their attention to suggest that the information is incorrect or incomplete in relation to the agreed criteria.

Reasonable Assurance: Requires sufficient detail so the verifier can form an opinion around completeness and accuracy. This typically includes more extensive sampling, reviews and site visits.

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