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OHSAS 18001 Certification Service + ISO 45001 Training

OHSAS 18001 was developed to help organisations better manage hazards in the workplace. Attention is now shifting from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001, the new international standard for occupational health and safety.

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OHSAS 18001 is replaced by ISO 45001.

OHSAS 18001:2007 was developed in response to demand for a recognisable health and safety management system standard that could be externally assessed and certified. OHSAS 18001 is now replaced by ISO 45001, the international standard for occupational health and safety, which helps you mitigate risk and improve business performance through a safer working environment and a healthier workforce.

With OH&S management extending to global organisations and complex supply chains, an international standard was needed to ensure a consistent approach for workers worldwide. The new international OH&S standard, ISO 45001:2018, was published on 12 March 2018 with organisations certified to OHSAS 18001 given a three-year migration period from the date of publication.

ISO 45001 combines the technical strength of existing OH&S standards, including OHSAS 18001, with the high-level structure of other international standards like ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment) to make it easier to integrate into higher-level business management systems.

Discover ISO 45001:2018

Learn more about the new standard and demonstrate your organisation’s commitment to continually improving your OH&S performance with ISO 45001 certification.

Discover ISO 45001:2018
Colourful safety helmets OH&S

Need help with OHSAS 18001?

With the growing pressure for organisational accountability, OHSAS certification by LRQA is one visible means of letting stakeholders know you mean business when it comes to employee well-being.

LRQA's technical specialists were instrumental in the development of OHSAS 18001 and are ideally placed to provide you with a range of assessment and certification, or migration services to ISO 45001.

Contact us to learn more about OHSAS 18001 certification and training for ISO 45001.

Why work with us?

Unparalleled experience

LRQA has been at the forefront of standards development and a market leader in certification and training for more than 30 years.

Technical expertise

Our assessors are industry specialists and health and safety experts whom we match to your business needs, allowing a comprehensive audit of your system to guarantee an impact both today and over the long-term.


We maintain our impartiality by proactively managing conflicts of interest across all LRQA businesses including those which may exist between consultancy and third-party certification services. Click here to learn more

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