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Our ASME Authorisations

LRQA began offering ASME code services in 1973. We now have more than 200 authorised inspectors, inspector supervisors, nuclear inspectors, nuclear-in-service inspectors, and nuclear inspector supervisors in more than 40 countries who are fully qualified in accordance with the applicable sections of the ASME Code. Our inspectors and supervisors have helped many of the world's leading manufacturers of boilers and pressure vessels obtain ASME Certificates of Authorisation and Code Symbol Stamps.

Our ASME accreditation

ASME Certificate of Accreditation
Certificate issued by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers to accredit LRQA Verification Limited for qualifications for Authorised Inspection. The document lists the scope of our accreditation, including our registered office and the applicable sections of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.

National Board of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspectors, NB-360: Certificate of Accreditation
Certificate that certifies that LRQA Verification Limited is accredited as an Authorised Inspection Agency in accordance with the requirements of National Board publication NB-360.

National Board of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspectors, NB-369: Certificate of Accreditation
Certificate that certifies that LRQA Verification Limited is accredited as and Authorised Inspection Agency in accordance with the requirements of National Board publication NB-369.

*All ASME Authorised Inspection Agency activities are performed under the accreditation held by LRQA Verification Limited.

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