Supporting you post Brexit
While the UK exited the EU on 31 January 2020, we continue to provide European Union Notified Body (EU NoBo) services to customers all over the world through the EU NoBo status of several of our LRQA legal entities.
Our status as an EU NoBo is particularly relevant to our assurance and inspection work performed under various EU Directives and Regulations, which helps our clients retain their access to EU markets.
We hold NoBo status in several major EU countries:
- Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) in Germany (LRQA Deutschland GmbH), Spain (LRQA Inspection Iberia SA) and the Netherlands (LRQA Nederland B.V.)
- Transportable Pressure Equipment Directive (TPED) in the Netherlands (Lloyd's RegisterLRQA Nederland B.V.)
- Construction Products Regulation (CPR) in the Netherlands (Lloyd's RegisterVerification LRQA Nederlands B.V.)
- Machinery Directive (MD) in the Netherlands (Lloyd's Register Verification B.V.) and Spain (LRQA Register EspanaInspection Iberia SA)
- ATEX (File Retention Only) in the Netherlands (LRQA Nederlands B.V.)
Were ISO Standards affected by Brexit?
ISO is an international organisation and not tied to the European Union in any way. ISO Standards were therefore unaffected by Brexit.
Was UKAS affected by Brexit?
As an International Accreditation Forum (IAF) MLA signatory, UKAS’s accredited management system approvals continue to be recognised post Brexit. UKAS is currently a member of the European Accreditation Association (EA). UKAS remains a full member of EA, retaining its membership post Brexit for a minimum period of two years. We will update you on any changes to the EA membership and what this means for you in due course.
New UK Approval Regime
The UKCA mark regime came into effect when the Brexit transition period ended on 31 December 2020.
On this date, LRQA Verification Ltd became a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) for the UK regulatory system, offering Conformity Assessment services for equipment requiring the UKCA mark.
LRQA Verification's UKCA number is 0038 with the scope of services listed on a new UK government domestic database which has replaced the EU’s NANDO database in the UK.
Please note that from 1 August 2023:
- The UK government introduced an indefinite extension of accepting CE marked equipment for a number of UK regulations, including the Pressure Equipment Safety Regulations as detailed on the following website: Using the UKCA marking - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk), which means that the UK accepts compliant equipment marked with either the CE mark with an EU NoBo number, or a UKCA mark with a UK Conformity Assessment Body number for the specified UK regulations.
Note: This does not extend to Construction Products Regulations nor Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations as there are specifica arrangements in place for these sectors.
- Manufacturers selling exclusively to the EU need to ensure equipment is CE marked.
- Equipment can be dual certified and marked accordingly with both the UKCA and CE marks, subject to the relevant contractual arrangements being in place with a UK Conformity Assessment Body and with an EU NoBo.