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Manage the sustainable development of organisations.

BS 8900 certification provides a framework for integrating sustainable development within business practices, including economic, social and environmental aspects.

BS 8900 certification

+44 121 817 4000

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What is BS 8900 certification?

The two-part 2013 framework version replaces the single 2006 standard with a Part 1 guidance document and also a Part 2 which can be assessed and certified by third parties.

It provides a strategically-based evaluative framework (scheme) which aims to direct and lead the organisation’s approach, regardless of size, sector and type.  Being a framework, it is not structured like more well-known standards such as ISO 9001 or ISO 14001.

The assessment process is intended to establish that the organisation has taken a genuine and effective approach to addressing sustainable development management.

The principles of sustainability should be defined within an organisation’s vision, as they demonstrate how they manage sustainably through the key principles of inclusivity, integrity, stewardship and transparency.

Stakeholder identification, engagement and management processes should be demonstrable. These processes should contribute to the identification of relevant sustainability risks which then result in appropriate controls and improvements.

Appropriate resources are allocated, and the organisation is required to review progress periodically. This results in visible improvement, monitored in a maturity matrix.

What are the benefits?

  • Integration – existing standards such as ISO 14001 will contribute to the implementation of the framework. 
  • Risk management – it is suitable for an integrated risk based management system approach. 
  • Demonstrable commitment – helps you to manage sustainability issues and corporate risks and to communicate this publicly, so giving stakeholders confidence that you are serious about sustainability and corporate responsibility. 
  • Cost saving – Improvement mechanisms within the framework can enable significant business efficiencies to be made. 
  • Improvement – the framework requires monitoring of progress through a maturity matrix. 

Why choose LRQA?


LRQA has been at the forefront of standards development and involved in sustainability assessment and verification for many years.

Proven track record

We have high-profile clients for whom we provide sustainability assessment and verification.


Our assessors and verifiers have experience in management system assessment and verification across all industry sectors.

Contact us for more information.

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