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Three new brands join the Ungal Kural helpline in India

Demonstrate commitment to sustainable and ethical practices

We are thrilled to announce that two US-based retailers and one German-based retailer have joined the Ungal Kural/Hamari Awaz Worker Grievance Mechanism at selected garment supplier sites in India.

These companies joins nine other brands and retailers, alongside forty suppliers across five Indian states, all committed to strengthening transparency and ethical practices in the garment industry. 

Our Grievance Mechanisms model is designed according to international best-practice frameworks such as the United Nations Guiding Principles (UNGPs) on Business and Human Rights and the WEST Principles on technology-driven engagement.  

Workers can access the Grievance Mechanism through familiar and accessible channels—including toll-free numbers, text messaging and social media—supported by live operators who all speak the local language. 

By joining this Grievance Mechanism, our retail partners are taking significant steps in implementing human rights due diligence across their supply chains. 

Grievance mechanisms have emerged as a critical tool in the global push towards responsible business practices, driven by developments in human rights and environmental due diligence (HREDD) legislation.  

In the last decade we’ve launched successful worker-centric Grievance Mechanisms across the globe – among them, the award-winning Amader Kotha in Bangladesh and Suara Kami helplines in Malaysia and Indonesia. 

Explore how LRQA’s Grievance Mechanisms mitigate risks and ensure compliance. 

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