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A progressive route into systems management.

PRiSM and Combined Assessments


PRiSM is a way to progressively add new certifications for certified management systems to those you already hold.

For example, if you already have the ISO 9001 quality management system, you can add certification for ISO 14001 and/or ISO 45001. You can add these additional verifications at your own pace, using available resources. Combining the assessment in this progressive route minimizes disruption to your business. You will also gain valuable feedback on the effectiveness of your existing system and how it can be improved. 

There are six steps in this process, and each is formally recognised by LRQA:

Step 1 – Business commitment: you make a commitment and design a programme. 

Step 2 – System design: includes key documentation and areas of responsibility. This is a document review and sites visits are rarely needed. 

Step 3 – Risk identification, policy and objectives: you demonstrate competency. A site tour will be required.

Step 4 – System documentation: you will show you have implemented core procedures and effectively established additional procedures.

Step 5 – Control of risk: includes assessment of relevant associated clauses, including records, document control and training.

Step 6 – Audit, review and improvement: you will show effective implementation of system mechanisms to identify and manage non-conformities, audit the management system and review its effectiveness. 

How it works

Step one of the process is free and takes only one hour. After that, you can progress towards certification one step at a time. After each step, assuming the assessment is successful, we will issue you with an updated statement of commitment towards ISO 14001 and/or ISO 45001. Once you have successfully completed Step 6, you will receive full ISO 14001 and/or ISO 45001 certification.

To take part in PRISM, you will need to hold ISO 9001 certification with LRQA or be willing to transfer your current certificate to us. 

LRQA's approach means that our units can have just a single assessment which combines quality, environmental and health and safety.
Lead Auditor, Sandvik Materials Technology Anders Sjöden

Combined Assessments

More than 50 accreditation bodies recognise LRQA’s work in areas such as quality, environment, and health and safety.

So, if you wish to be certified against more than one standard, there may be the opportunity to combine assessments. Combining assessments can bring a range of benefits, including:

  • minimised disruption
  • improved integration of management systems
  • avoiding duplication of effort
  • sharing information and learning
  • between different disciplines
  • improved management of all types of business risk
  • more effective use of your company’s resources.

Please contact us to find out how combined assessment could benefit your organisation.

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