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EU Flags

From the PED to the CPR

We'll help you meet requirements for selling your medical and industrial products in the EU.

CE Marking and EU Directives

Meet requirements for selling your medical and industrial products in the EU.

Products with the CE mark prove that they meet European health, safety and environmental standards, and therefore can be sold in any EEA country. The European Commission issues Directives for these products and industry areas, then individual countries have to decide how to transpose the Directives into individual national laws.

In many cases, manufacturers need an independent body to provide third-party testing, inspection and certification throughout the manufacturing process. These bodies, who are approved by a government and notified to the European Commission, are called Notified Bodies, or NoBos. 

We've been a Notified Body for as long as there have been Notified Bodies. LRQA is a NoBo for several EU Directives, and can provide independent certification for your products. 

Independence and Impartiality.

We maintain our independence and impartiality by proactively managing conflicts of interest across all LRQA businesses including those which may exist between consultancy and third-party certification services.  We will not offer consultancy services for any customer product that is in the process of or has completed accredited third-party certification with LR. Furthermore, if we are already providing consultancy services to a customer product, we will not offer any accredited third-party inspection/assessment services for that same product.