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Since the ISO 45001 standard was launched in 2018, the OHS landscape has changed significantly. In this eBook, we explore some of these areas and how they are being addressed to help OHS management systems adapt and evolve to remain effective at protecting and improving people’s health, safety, and wellbeing.

As new OHS challenges emerge, some are being addressed through guidance standards, such as ISO 45004, which will provide guidance on OHS performance measurement, while other areas will need further consideration when ISO 45001 is next revised.

Download this eBook for insight into:

  • The shift from safety to health and safety
  • Psychological health, safety and wellbeing
  • Workplace boundaries
  • Supply chain responsibility
  • Creating an accurate performance picture.

“It needs to be said that health and safety are two very different areas with distinct characteristics. Incidents related to safety are usually immediate and highly visible. At the same time, changes to and impacts on health can develop during and even long after exposure.”

Martin Cottam, Chair of the ISO Technical Committee for Occupational Health & Safety Management


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