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AS 9100:2016 Rev D Internal Auditor.

Learn how to carry out internal audits

+44 121 817 4000

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Day one of the AS 9100:2016 Rev D Internal Auditor contains the introduction to AS9110:2016 and Day two is the Internal Auditor.

This two-day interactive training course is designed to:

  • Day 1 - Provide background information on the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG), describe the structure and sequencing of the AS 9100:2016 (Rev D) standard, provide an understanding of the key requirements of the standard, analyse a selection of the key requirements and explain how these could be met.
  • Day 2 - Focus on the roles and responsibilities of an internal AQMS auditor that includes audit requirements, key skills and application of the audit fundamentals in order to demonstrate audit planning, audit conduct and audit reporting, together with how to audit for process effectiveness.

Who should attend?

Individuals working within the Aviation, Space and Defence (ASD) sector who want to gain a good understanding of the AS 9100:2016 Rev D standard, together with gaining knowledge on how to manage, plan, conduct and report internal AQMS audits.

What will you learn?

  • Purpose, objectives and functionality of the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) with on-line interaction, including OASIS.
  • Structure and sequencing of the AS 9100:2016 (Rev D) standard.
  • Detailed requirements of the AS 9100:2016 standard relating to each of the clauses that includes: Context of the Organisation; Leadership; Planning; Support; Operations; Performance Evaluation and Improvement.
  • The audit fundamentals including audit programme, audit plan, audit checklists, audit conduct, audit findings, audit report, writing NCRs and understanding process effectiveness.
  • Reinforced learning of the key requirements via practical exercises, including management system principles; terms and definitions; context of the organisation; leadership, risk and opportunities; documented information; counterfeit parts; product safety; human factors; auditor attributes and auditing for process effectiveness.

What do you need to prepare?

No previous training required, however it is recommended that you have an awareness of ISO 9001:2015 and/or the 9100:2016 (Rev D) standard prior to attending this training course.

What's included?

  • 13 hours CPD
  • Comprehensive delegate notes
  • AS 9100:2016 quick reference handbook
  • Practical exercises including handouts
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Lunch and refreshments (public courses only).

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If you are looking for a course for four or more people, you may find our in-house option more cost-effective. Contact the team for a quote.