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Find a GIRS accredited UIP

GIRS registered providers (also known as Utility Infrastructure Providers (UIPs)) are able to undertake new gas connections, service alterations or disconnections, dependent on the scope of their accreditation.

Domestic customers

Domestic customers who may be seeking to have work undertaken on their connection should see the National Grid's page for domestic consumers and homeowners to get more information.

Due to our independence, we do not provide quotations or recommend specific providers to undertake connections work.

Find a GIRS accredited UIPspecial pipeline services

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  • Special Pipeline Services Ltd

    Regions East Anglia, Midlands, North East, North West, Northern Ireland, Scotland, South East, South West, Wales





    Mick Rice



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Approval Key

full approval

Scopes highlighted in green are fully accredited.

partial approval

Scopes and Services highlighted in blue are for partial approval meaning the company has the required systems and procedures to do the work but has yet to demonstrate these or is currently unavailable to offer work for surveillance.

approval due to expire

Scopes highlighted in yellow are fully accredited but are due to expire in less than one month.

gap analysis

Scopes highlighted in aqua are for GAP Analysis, meaning the company has the required systems and procedures to do the work but has yet to demonstrate these or is currently unavailable to offer work for surveillance.

approval expired

Scopes highlighted in fuchsia have now expired or have been suspended.

bim ready

BIM Providers who can demonstrate that they have met the requirements of the BIM Guidance document and the referenced standards but do not currently have BIM projects against which they can demonstrate the implementation of those standards

    GIRS Scopes


    Construction, Commissioning & Connections (Routine).

    Procedures in place to manage the work and use companies holding construction accreditation.


    Connections Non Routine basic.

    Specialist Iris Stop Connections

    Specialist Stopple Connections

    Specialist Hot Welding Connections

    Specialist Large Diameter PE Branch Connections