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National Electricity Registration Scheme (NERS).

+44 121 817 4300

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As part of an ongoing process to introduce competition to the electrical service market, we operate the National Electricity Registration Scheme (NERS) on behalf of the UK Distribution Network Operators (DNOs).

We also operate a sister scheme in Northern Ireland on behalf of Northern Ireland Electricity Networks (NIE Networks) and SONI. 

Under these schemes we perform technical assessment of the service providers who elect to be assessed for accreditation for contestable works associated with the installation of electrical connections. Once accredited, the service provider is a NERS provider, commonly known as an Independent Connection Provider (ICP).

An NERS provider carry out work such as design new connections to the network, dig and fill trenches on and around the property to be connected, and install electrical switches and transformers. Read about the scopes of NERS accreditation here.

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