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Remote Audit

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Vincenzo Patti Service Delivery Manager, Certification, Southern Italy. View profile

From his home in Northern Italy, LRQA's Southern Europe Service Delivery Manager, Vincenzo Patti provides an insight into how remote audit can offer more than just compliance.

From his home in Northern Italy, LRQA's Southern Europe Service Delivery Manager, Vincenzo Patti provides an insight into how remote audit can offer more than just compliance.

Today Vincenzo answers your questions about remote auditing – what it is, what the advantages are, the technology behind it and how it works in practice.

In a nutshell, remote auditing can help you identify and mitigate risk in real-time. Co-witnessed or customer operated audits deliver immediate transparency to your operations worldwide. You can quickly adjust the scope to deep dive into any operational issues and manage the risk of sending workers to hazardous sites and locations, thereby mitigating any risk to your business.

Click here to watch the entire Q&A Series. 

Remote audits connect you with our technical experts, wherever you are in the world.
Service Delivery Manager Vincenzo Patti