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Each year, we highlight the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks that are impacting supply chains and the way we approach due diligence. This year was marked by rising forced labour risk in key markets and transparency concerns among suppliers worldwide.

These insights are derived from LRQA’s ESG risk ratings found in our supply chain due diligence platform, EiQ. The ratings are comprised from onsite audit data (20,000+ per year) combined with civil society research. By gaining a better understanding of supply chain ESG risks and trends that are shaping the evolving landscape, we can better support organisations to mitigate potential threats and comply with rising due diligence requirements.

During this webinar, our speakers shared deeper insight into the supply chain operating risk landscape, to give you greater visibility over the potential ESG risks posed to your responsible sourcing programme and to help you to better prioritise your social and environmental impact.

Key takeaways:

  • 2024’s top and bottom performing sourcing markets in key ESG risk categories
  • Insights into forced labour risk, audit transparency, wage issues and high working hours
  • Risks uncovered using grievance mechanisms and why supply chains should prioritise worker voice
  • How leveraging data and analytics can improve your risk mitigation and remediation


  • Kevin Franklin – Managing Director, LRQA
  • Ding Dingxiaozi – Director, Product & Analytics, LRQA