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Workshop aim

The aim of this workshop is to learn about the direct and indirect requirements concerning “leadership and commitment” as defined in the latest Annex SL based management systems.

Who should attend?

  • you are an executive and / or senior manager and / or management representative and / or management systems practitioner.
  • you want to learn about the requirements concerning leadership and commitment as defined in the latest Annex SL based management system standards.

What will you learn?

  1. The underlying principles concerning leadership and commitment
  2. To recognise what is meant by leadership and top management in terms of management systems.
  3. The specific top management requirements defined in management system standards that are based on Annex SL, e.g. ISO 9001 and ISO 14001: 2015 for Quality and Environmental management systems and how these requirements may be addressed.
  4. The responsibilities, authorities and accountabilities related to leadership and management roles within organizations and the wider role of leaders within the business.
  5. The possible implications of Annex SL based Management System Standards on management review.

What do you need to prepare?

Ideally you will have an appreciation of at least one Annex SL based management system standard, e.g. ISO 9001:2015 and / or ISO 14001:2015.

Workshop duration

½ day public and/or in-company delivery and in a virtual or face-to-face classroom setting.

1 day in-company only (includes working with reference to the client’s actual systems).

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