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Software: Principles of IP.

Four day focus covering the combined topics from foundations and essentials courses.


Who should attend?

New users of IP, Petrophyscicts with varying levels of experience, geologists and technical assistants.

What is the course about?

Days one and two will focus on getting participants familiar with using the software. There will be an introduction to basic petrophysical concepts and techniques along with their subsequent application in IP.

Days three and four will introduce basic deterministic interpretation calculations by first calculating a clay volume, then a porosity and water saturations and finally applying cutoffs to provide a summation of the results. In addition to this interpretation of multi-wells will also be covered.

This is a teacher led course designed with the new user in mind. Attendees will be immersed within an interactive learning environment coached by one of our highly trained IP specialists to build skills, confidence and productivity with the software.

Days one and two will cover the following topics:

  • Introduction

  • Project setup

  • Viewing data in IP

  • Data editing and manipulation

  • Data calculations

Over days three and four the attendee will be given an introduction to basic deterministic interpretation calculations and background theory covering the following topics:

  • Clay Volume

  • Porosity & Water Saturation

  • Cutoff and Summation

  • Multi-Well Interpretation

  • 3D Petrophysics

During the course attendees will be given the opportunity to ask questions, watch demonstrations and complete step-by-step exercises from our manual to get the most from this course.


4 days

Interested in this course?

Enquire about training