Who should attend?
- you are a senior manager and / or management representative and / or management
systems practitioner and / or management systems auditor. - you want to learn about the requirements concerning context of the organization as
defined in the latest Annex SL based management system standards.
What will you learn?
- the underlying principles concerning risk-based thinking
- the requirements concerning “Context of the organization” as defined in the
management system standards that are based on Annex SL, e.g. ISO 9001:2015 - Quality
management system requirements and ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental management
system requirements. - how requirements for context of the organization may be addressed and how they may
be demonstrated. - the interrelationships between organization context and risk and opportunity
identification, and explain why effective communication is essential in ensuring the
management system is aligned with the business environment.
What do you need to prepare?
- ideally you will have an appreciation of at least one Annex SL based management system
standard, e.g. ISO 9001:2015 and / or ISO 14001:2015.
Workshop duration
- ½ day public
- ½ day to 1 day in-company (tutor to tailor appropriate exercises within each session for 1 day delivery)
This course can be delivered either as a public event or as an in-company event.