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How we help

ASME Code Services

Our extensive accreditation experience enables us to offer a very wide range of services to help you to meet the requirements of the ASME Code.

We are able to:

  • Give advice on the procedures required for you to obtain ASME Certificates of Authorisation.
  • Assist you in preparing and establishing Quality Assurance (QA) Programmes and Quality Control (QC) Systems.
  • Help prepare your Quality Manuals.
  • Attend the ASME review, renewal reviews and surveys.
  • Provide authorised inspectors and supervisors to inspect manufactured components.
  • Arrange seminars to train your personnel in the requirements of the ASME Code.

One of the requirements of the ASME Code is that manufacturers seeking a Certificate of Authorisation must demonstrate that they have established an adequate Quality Control (QC) System, including a written Quality Manual. The Quality Manual must contain a brief description of the documents and procedures relating to the design, manufacture, inspection and testing of products to ensure compliance with the ASME Code. Manufacturers in the nuclear field must additionally demonstrate compliance with ASME Quality Assurance (QA) requirements. We have the necessary experience to help establish fully documented quality systems.

ASME will issue Certificates of Authorisation and Code Symbol Stamps based on the recommendation of a review team. We will be on hand to participate in the review and inspect individual items to the ASME Code. As your Authorised Inspection Agency, we provide a comprehensive service at every stage to help you secure ASME Code Symbol Stamps and Certificates of Authorisation.

Once ASME authorisation has been obtained, we will provide audit and advisory services to support renewal reviews.

Want to know more about our services?

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ASME Code Change Summaries

Our Authorized Inspectors have summarized the key changes in the 2019 ASME code and you can download them for free here.

ASME Code Change Summaries
ASME Code Changes boiler image