One scheme, many containers standards.
The LRQA Container Certification Scheme (LRQACCS) can be used around the world. The LRQACCS provides an easy, cost-effective method that makes sure your containers meet all applicable standards and regulations.
LRQACCS aims to present container design, inspection and certification requirements in a clear and concise set of rules for both LRQA and its customers. It covers the three main types of intermodal equipment for both new construction and in-service inspection:
- CSC/ISO/Intermodal Containers
- Offshore containers and equipment
- Tanks for the transport of dangerous goods
Through the LRQACCS, we can provide assurance that equipment inspected according to its procedures and rules is safe and certified correctly.
The LRQACCS is used by our inspectors, please contact us for more information.