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Below you will find a list of NERS accredited providers (commonly known as Independent Connection Providers (ICPs)). Depending on their scope, an NERS provider can carry out work such as design new connections to the network, dig and fill trenches on and around the property to be connected, and install electrical switches and transformers.  Find out more about the scopes of NERS accreditation here.

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Find a NERS accredited Independent Connection Provider (ICP)land and power

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  • Land and Power Ltd

    Regions Midlands, North East, North West, Northern Ireland, Scotland, South East, South West, Wales

    DNO Electricity North West Ltd, Northern Powergrid, Scottish and Southern Energy, ScottishPower Energy Networks, UK Power Networks, Western Power Distribution


    Network Connections - Operational



    LV Dead

    LV Live



    Civil Works

    Civil Works

    Cable Laying




    Substation Installation



    Network Connections - Jointing

    HV Terminations

    LV Terminations

    HV Mains and Services

    LV Mains and Services

    11kV Mains & Services

    Highway Electrical Equipment

    U/G Transfers

    U/G New Connections


    Ben Hogan



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Approval Key

full approval

Scopes highlighted in green are fully accredited.

partial approval

Scopes and Services highlighted in blue are for partial approval meaning the company has the required systems and procedures to do the work but has yet to demonstrate these or is currently unavailable to offer work for surveillance.

approval due to expire

Scopes highlighted in yellow are fully accredited but are due to expire in less than one month.

gap analysis

Scopes highlighted in aqua are for GAP Analysis, meaning the company has the required systems and procedures to do the work but has yet to demonstrate these or is currently unavailable to offer work for surveillance.

approval expired

Scopes highlighted in fuchsia have now expired or have been suspended.

bim ready

BIM Providers who can demonstrate that they have met the requirements of the BIM Guidance document and the referenced standards but do not currently have BIM projects against which they can demonstrate the implementation of those standards

    Civil Works
    Excavation & Backfilling up to tile/tape level.



    The NERS Provider does not have the capability to carry out any registered scopes of work directly but has demonstrated the competence to project manage work subcontracted to a NERS Provider registered to undertake the subcontracted scope.

    Read our guide to NERS scopes of accreditation for more information.