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United Kingdom and European Union flags in a line

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Memudahkan Anda untuk melakukan bisnis dengan kami baik selama atau setelah Brexit


+62 21 5096 7548

Hubungi kami

Kami berkomitmen untuk menyediakan layanan berkelanjutan bagi klien kami, tanpa memperhatikan hasil proses negosiasi, dan kami akan menempuh semua tindakan yang diperlukan untuk memastikan hal ini.

Inggris Raya dan Uni Eropa masih belum menyelesaikan perjanjian terkait keluarnya Inggris Raya dari Uni Eropa. Terdapat dua area utama dalam kegiatan kami, yang kami awasi dengan saksama untuk mengantisipasi kemungkinan dampak dari hal ini:

  • tugas kami sebagai Badan Standardisasi (NoBo) di bawah Pedoman dan Peraturan Uni Eropa, dan
  • sebagai organisasi yang diakui (RO) di sektor maritim dan lepas pantai, yang memerlukan dukungan dari bendera Uni Eropa.

Melalui keterlibatan kami dalam Komite Standar, Forum Badan Standardisasi, serta hubungan yang kuat dengan pemerintah dan industri, kami dapat terus berpartisipasi dalam pengembangan yang terkait.

Kami akan mempermudah klien untuk mengurus perizinan NoBo dan RO, sehingga mereka dapat mempertahankan akses ke pasar Uni Eropa dan Inggris Raya.

Selama proses negosiasi berjalan, kami akan terus mengabari perkembangannya kepada Anda di halaman ini serta melalui manajer akun dan tim dukungan bisnis.

Untuk mengetahui area minat tertentu dan informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi situs global kami melalui tautan berikut.

Anda dapat menemukan jawaban atas pertanyaan Anda di bagian pertanyaan umum di bawah ini

Apakah LRQA akan terus menyediakan layanan Badan Standardisasi di Uni Eropa setelah Brexit?

Yes, we are committed to providing all our customers with the same range of services post Brexit in the EU27 and the UK and we currently provide in the EU.

We are already approved as a NoBo for the Lifts Directive in France by COFRAC: our NoBo number 2748.

We have made applications for other approvals in the Netherlands, where LRQA has a large and long-established operation. We intend to provide similar services to those currently provided, through two existing notified bodies in the Netherlands, LRQA Verification BV (for Industrial Equipment Directives and Transportable Container authorisations) and LRQA Nederland BV (for Medical Devices and In-Vitro Diagnostics Devices).

We have made applications for Medical Devices directives under 93/42/EEC and 98/79/EC to VWS/Directie GMT in the Netherlands for notified body approval for LRQA Nederland BV.

We have made applications for ATEX, CPR, MD, MED, ND, PED, RID and the SPVD directives to RvA in the Netherlands for NoBo approval for LRQA Verification BV.   We already hold a variety of accreditations in the Netherlands through which we have a longstanding relationship with RvA.

The applications are in various stages of assessment, with an expectation of obtaining approvals starting from around the end of 2018.

We have already prepared the required applications to the relevant Dutch authorities for the EU Transportable Pressure Equipment Directive, the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) regulation, and the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID).

Berapa lama masa berlaku sertifikat LRQA yang saya miliki?

Unless a mutual recognition arrangement is agreed between the EU and the UK either on a transitional or permanent basis as part of the Withdrawal Agreement, currently issued LRQA certificates will cease to be valid with effect from the withdrawal date (30 March 2019 00:00 hrs CET). There are indications that mutual recognition of Notified Bodies will be included within the scope of the proposed transition agreement, covering the period until December 2020. We understand that discussions also include the possibility of a permanent mutual recognition scheme forming part of the final agreement. However, to address the possibility that there could ultimately be no recognition agreement between the EU and the UK, we are taking necessary measures to enable us to continue to support our clients, by obtaining Notified Body appointments within the EU27.

Apakah pemindahan Badan Standardisasi akan dilakukan secara gratis atau dikenai biaya?

It is our intention to transfer clients’ approvals from our UK Notified Body to that in the Netherlands with minimum cost once we obtain appointment in the Netherlands. We are discussing the transfer process with the Dutch authorities and will let you know any developments as they arise.

PEMBARUAN: Langkah apa yang harus saya lakukan untuk mentransfer sertifikat yang akan terus diakui oleh Uni Eropa?

We have made applications for ATEX, CPR, MD, MED, ND, PED, RID and the SPVD directives for NoBo approval for LRQA Verification BV in the Netherlands and are pleased to confirm that this has received accreditation from the Dutch Accreditation Council, Raad voor Accreditatie (RvA).

This means we can now progress with our application to the various Dutch ministries and we expect to receive formal notification and a posting on the Nando website in the next few weeks.

Once we receive approval, we will have Notified Body status both in the UK and the Netherlands. As such, in the case of a soft Brexit i.e. a structured withdrawal from the EU with an agreed deal, this will allow you to decide which will best meet the needs of your business.

Notified Body status in the Netherlands means we can continue to provide similar services to those now provided through our UK Notified Body for the following EC Directives and Regulations:

Directive 2000/14/EC

Noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors

Directive 2006/42/EC


Directive 2010/35/EU

Transportable Pressure Equipment

Directive 2014/29/EU

Simple Pressure Vessels

Directive 2014/68/EU

Pressure Equipment

Directive 2008/57/EC

Interoperability of the rail system within the Community

Directive (EU) 2016/797

Interoperability of the rail system within the European Union (recast)

Regulation (EU) No 305/2011

Construction Products

Please note, our application for Directive 2014/90/EU Marine equipment is being treated as an Extension to Scope (ETS) and will be added to the schedule of accreditation in the coming weeks.

If you decide to transfer, the next stage in the process will be to move your current certificates from LRV Ltd/LRC-Energy AS to LRV B.V. We have ensured that our Notified Bodies in the UK and the Netherlands work to identical processes and procedures which will make the transitioning of your certificates from one body to another as straightforward as possible, with minimal impact on your business.

The transfer includes the issue of certificates bearing the new Notified Body number assigned to us in the Netherlands, which then fully replaces your existing certificate issued from the UK.